Nimbus’ Very Own Weather App!


Ever wish weather forecasts had a bit more spunk to them? Well, today’s your lucky day! We’re super stoked to announce the launch of the (free!) Negative Nimbus Weather App.

We thought Nimbus and the rest of the Sunnyland crew would be the perfect cast of characters to bring some life (and humor) to your weather report. With custom comics and animations, getting your weather has never been more fun! You can choose to see weather for your current location or for any zip code, and the forecasts cover everything from snowy mayhem to sunny skies.

We love a good challenge, and we were really excited to tackle the task of bringing a character presence to a utility app. We hope you all get a chance to check it out, and that it makes your weather-checking experience a bit more enjoyable!

How to Not Crash Nimbus’ Party

Closing Apps

We want players to get the most out of our app, so we wanted to weigh in on some crashing issues that we’ve heard a few folks are having. While we’ve tested the game on every iOS device imaginable (we have many a pod, pad and phone in-house), we understand that there are some device-specific issues people may be encountering.

One quick fix that we often find does the trick is closing out other applications that are running in the background. It’s so easy to forget to do this on an iOS device, so we often have dozens of apps accidentally running at once. Closing some or all of these out will likely help crashing issues with Nimbus and other games, and it will definitely help your device battery life (Woo hoo! We love added bonuses!). We hope that helps, and that you’re all continuing to enjoy the wonders of Sunnyland!

Happy Holidays, Indeed!

The holidays will be snowy and bright in Sunnyland, because we’ve got a ton to celebrate! Here’s the hit list of what’s new just in time for the holidays:

  • Negative Nimbus is now available for Android devices!
  • There’s a whole new world (Frosty Hills) with 8 adorable/challenging levels.
  • There’s now a free lite version of the game with the first two worlds.
  • The iOS app now supports Game Center.
  • There are penguins. Penguins in ski caps!

It’s been an amazing fall for Nimbus and Co., and we’re excited for an even better winter thanks to all of these awesome advancements. We’re also working on a top-secret new Nimbus app that we’ll tell you more about very soon! In the meantime, Happy Holidays from all of us in Sunnyland!